Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Photo February - My View

Where have you all been!?! I, of course, have been right here, blogging my heart out for the past 2 months. Ha! I'm kidding. I haven't been here in a looong time. But I'm here now. And I'm not leaving for a while! (maybe?)

A couple of weeks ago, a friend had the brilliant idea to have a blog-a-thon. I think I immediately said no... because, well, who are we kidding? It has been in the back of my mind since then, making me wonder if it was something I could actually do. This morning while I was on Pinterest, I came across an idea....

Now, I know I have tried the "photo a day challenge" before. I obviously did not finish (unless it was just a 3 month challenge - if that's the case, I nailed it!), but I actually think I can do this one. The main reason I quit last year was because I was bored/tired of thinking of things to take pictures of. I'm going to give it a shot, so bear with me.

Photo February, take 1: My View

(Nothing exciting, but since I decided to do this about an hour ago, this is what I have to work with)
This is my view tonight, after reading book after book after book. Nate was gone all day, so I had Miss P to myself all day. By 8:30, I was done trying to keep her occupied. She thought a few stories before bed was a good idea, so I obliged and read her each book she brought me.
So, there you have it. Day 1 - My View: a tired mommy's attempt to keep baby happy (and quiet) at bedtime 

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