Monday, November 15, 2010

It was only a matter of time...

Well, it happened. I've been sucked into the magical world of blogging. Now, I must warn anyone reading this (all 4 of you), I'm not very interesting. Really. The only thing exciting happening in my life right now is sweet little Paisley. While I think she is precious and perfect and cute and funny and adorable, I will not subject you guys to every little detail. Okay, I'll probably subject you to most little details, but not all. I definitely don't want to be one of "those" moms, who only talk about their babies (she laughed! she cried! she pooped!) and forget that they are still a person (there are a few friends people from high school who only post about their kids on facebook. it gets old. seriously, I don't want to see pictures of you child on the potty). So, while this will probably end up being mostly about Paisley, I will try to add in tidbits from our lives every now and then.
I'm not quite sure what a first post is supposed to entail... So, I'm ending it here and I'll start a new post that isn't as awkward as this one.


  1. You don't know how happy this makes me! (I remember the awkwardness of my first post...I like the last 2 sentences.) Anyways, I love the name you chose (esp since I am still trying to name probably won't be named until we have a lil one) and the background...and of course, I love the main topic of your blog!! I care about all her little milestones and share! Very cute! just be better about updating than I am!

  2. YES!! I knew it was only a matter of time. So glad you decided to start this, as some of us aren't lucky enough to be in the same down as you all. Also, I agree with Staci, the name you chose is pretty great!

  3. I agree with both comments above. I am in the same town as you and I still want to know every detail! I love the layout that you have for this and am excited to read about it.
